Non-Profit Sites

Manage Articles

Publishing articles on websites can be a daunting task for those who are responsible for managing the website. You can now use our easy to use Article Management System to publish as many articles on your website as you want.

You can create different article categories for easily grouping articles. Publishing article is even easier. You can either cut and past the article, with its title, author and other details. Or you can upload a previously written article as a PDF document.

Article Management System also captures all the necessary details of each article, like Title, Author name, Date of Publication, Source, and URL of the article – if copying from a website.

If your articles are of confidential nature and only members should read them, you can make your article section members-only, available to members only after successful login.

Manage All Your Articles On Your Association Website
Post articles on association website using
      WYSWYG editor
Upload PDF based articles
Flag articles inactive for later display
Show important information about each article,
       like Author, published date, URL of article, etc.